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A series shot in Rome, Italy highlighting the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, passion, pain and love. This shoot is somewhat of a turning point in my photography, it was all done off of a whim and all the plans I had to shoot during the day in Rome failed, I had inspiration photos, locations plotted out, and a digital mood board for this shoot and used none of it, I went into it extremely insecure and didn’t have a clue of what I was going to capture. I had one light and a willing subject, I remember not wanting this shoot to be like anything I’ve shot in the past and all I could think about was get deeper, I wanted to shoot not just a subject but I wanted to capture a soul. I wanted pain, beauty, and vulnerability, I wanted visual poetry. During this shoot I figured out that photography is a lot like writing.
Art Direction & Photography by: Wendell S.
Model: Jennille Cineas
Location: Rome, Italy